Friday, September 27, 2013

" The biggest single cause of low social intelligence comes from simple lack of insight "

Karl Albrecht in " Social intelligence - the new science of success ", p.14 (Jossey-Bass)

"The legendary fiction writer and social commentator H.G.Wells said, "Civilization is more and more a race between education and catastrophe." Not to put too grand an interpretation on it, but social intelligence may be, in the long run, one of the most important ingredients in our survival as a species "


"I've seen convincing evidence that the biggest cause of low social intelligence comes from simple lack of insight. Toxic people often become so preoccupied with their own personal struggles that they simply do not understand the impact they have on others. They need help in seeing themselves as others see them. And to make sense of that insight, we turn to our model of social intelligence - and some examples of social incompetence from everyday life"

To be continued in " Social intelligence - the new science of success " from Karl Albrecht

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